ITALY/FRANCE, 35MM, 1.37:1, B&W, 66′
[Opening credits, black text on white, in French]
– For the marmoset and in memory of Barnabé the cat. J.-M.S. [White text on black]
– Sicilia! – Film by Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub 1998
– Assistants: Arnaud Maillet, Jean-Charles Fitoussi, Romano Guelfi, Andreas Teuchert
– Photography: William Lubtchansky – Irina Lubtchansky, Marion Befve, LTC, Saint-Cloud
– Lighting: Jim Howe, Olivier Cazzitti – Sound: Jean-Pierre Duret, Jacques Balley
– Mix: Louis Hochet, Sonodi, Épinay-sur-Seine
[End credits, white text on black]
– Gianni Buscarino [Silvestro], Vittorio Vigneri [Knife Sharpener]
– Angela Nugara [Mother]
– Carmelo Maddio [Man], Angela Durantini [his Wife]
– Simone Nucatola, Ignazio Trombello
– Giovanni Interlandi [The Great Lombardo], Giuseppe Bontà [Man from Catania], Mario Baschieri [Little Old Man]
– Production: Straub-Huillet
– French-Italian co-production Pierre Grise Productions, Martine Marignac; Centre National de la Cinématographie
– Alia Film, Enzo Porcelli; Instituto Luce
– Pre-sales ARD Degeto; Hessischer Rundfunk, Dietmar Schings; Saarländischer Rundfunk; Westdeutscher Rundfunk
– Thank you, thank you Salvatore Scollo, Barbara Ulrich, Dominique and André
– Gabriella Taddeo, Anna Barzacchini, Paolo Bernardini, Dario Marconcini, Marcello Landi and his wife
– Piero Spilá, Francesco Grillini, and the rail workers of Messina and Syracuse
– Constellations, dialogues from the novel Conversazione in Sicilia by Elio Vittorini 1937–38
[Photograph of Elio Vittorini]
MUSIC: Ludwig van Beethoven, String Quartet in A Minor, opus 132. The text was performed at the Teatro Francesco di Bartolo, Buti, Italy, April 1998.
PRODUCTION LOCATIONS: Buti, Messina, Syracuse, Grammichele.
SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH by Huillet and Barton Byg, IN FRENCH by Huillet.
FIRST SCREENING: Cannes Film Festival, Un C ertain Regard, May 20, 1999; released in France, September 15, 1999; 1999 New York Film Festival (October). There are three versions of the film.